Webinoly LNMP v1.3.1

Webinoly LNMP 安裝包 v1.3.1 版本更新

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Webinoly 最新 v1.3.1 版本,更新日期:2018/03/01,在 conf 文件自動加入 HTTP 到 HTTPS 重定向設置,及驗證 SSL 根路徑以在請求證書時避免錯誤,升級 Webinoly 前請先備份網站資料。

ChangeLog 詳細官方資料:


Webinoly v1.3.1 版本


  • [IMPROVEMENT] Check for DB User to avoid errors when DB is created.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Further rules were implemented to validate DBName and DBUser.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Php-ver Command: Error handling improved and now we can skip questions (Unattended) during PHP re-install.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Now we can force unattended installation when PHP is installed alone without Nginx.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Validate SSL Root Path to avoid errors when a certificate is requested.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] General code improvements. Libraries reordered and some small code performance improvements. Internal conf-vars renamed (force-flag instead delall) and new debug variable.
  • [FIXED] Some cases where DB Connection errors were not handled/detected properly.
  • [FIXED] Error when the parked domain entered already exist.

查看當前的 Webinoly 版本及資訊:

sudo webinoly -info

升級 Webinoly 版本:

sudo webinoly -update

之前安裝的 Webinoly v1.3.0 之前版本,若為網站安裝 SSL 加密證書,還需修改 conf 文件,加入 HTTP 到 HTTPS 重定向設置,及 80 端口打開。

if ($ssl_protocol = "") { return 301 https://$host$request_uri; }

請見我之前寫的 Webinoly 安裝 VPS 教學


現在更新到最新 1.3.1 版本後,就不用這麼麻煩了。


Webinoly LNMP v1.3.1
Img from GIPHY
hosted by kinsta


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